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Friday, 1 November 2013

Life - An Overwhelming Trade-off

Life - An Overwhelming Trade-off

Friends ! How you perform some other act better while you are engaged fully in an important assignment is called life. Oh - ho, you want me get examined by a Clinical Psychologist. See, I am passing this remark holding a valid certificate in my hand about well- being of my mental state.

Life is moving ahead bravely against all odds. So, if you want to live a life, you must gather some odds for you. Though it is a fact that the nature is most often kind  enough to provide you the odds before you ask for them vociferously

Odds, odds, bountiful odds chase you like a hound and cling with you like a hanging tail with a dog. You cannot liberate yourself from this till you are living. Getting yourself out of odds is like getting a state of ‘Moksha’ – a final liberty of soul from the cycle of birth and death.

Your defeat and success both are written by your odds. Whether you conquer it or succumb to it. Conquering it means not to remove all odds. It means just to modulate either yourself or odds to somehow suit each other and to take it to a practically optimal state.

Everything has a value because there are odds against it. If your neighbors behave perfectly gentle, you face imbalance in your blood-pressure level. You face catch-22 situation when your B.P. is normal even without medicine and your doctor’s advice is hanging before you as never to stop medicine. Then you pray, “O God just make my neighbors normally notorious. 

Once Akbar asked Birbal to tell which act of human is the most soothing. Birbal quipped that it was to evacuation of bowels. Akbar threatened to behead him if he could not prove this unwarranted statement. Birbal proved that when time comes, a person prefers this evacuation act to receiving jewels, loving beautiful wife, getting estates or anything precious you can imagine. Everything is the most important in it’s time.

Just like a tug of war, you are liked by your new girlfriend only till the moment you felt pain in being away from the older. The moment you become solely attached with your new girlfriend, the catching factor in you disappears for her. And at the end of day you are nowhere. 

The feeling that you are getting something at the heavy cost of other, adds sensation in your life. And this sensation is the other name of sensitivity nowadays.  

A rich person came across his old-time school friend who was in a wretched condition. The rich person offered some valuable gifts to his friend out of fraternal feeling. The poor guy found this act of him as an assault on his self-esteem and refused bitterly. The rich person was ashamed on himself. The next day the poor guy sent some looters at his house and got his share out of the prize (looted wealth). He was content that he got it out of his efforts and not gratuitously. Here, it is irrelevant to mention that the rich had become rich in the same manner.  

More often, you are able to appreciate a thing only when you have lost something dear, very dear to you for getting that. Nobody can better appreciate the taste of smoking than a patient of lung cancer.

[Suggest improvement in this article]

Sunday, 20 October 2013

A Mystique Phenomenon...

A Mystique Phenomenon

“Parde me rahne do” you must have heard it.. a mellifluous song everybody will find thrilling. Everything seems exotic till it is acquired. When you get it, the exoticism gives way to good features which in turn give way to "hardly better than others". Life is just like following a mirage. You have a never-quenchable thirst and you are running after a lake which will be at the same distance from you howsoever you approach it.

You must have heard about a laddoo- “jo khaye so pachtaya aur jo na khaye so pachtaye”. You feel you are deprived of a very exclusive experience in life till you are married. Once you are, you come to know that this laddoo is no doubt sweet but much bitter than non-sweet experiences of pre-marital period.

Mona Lisa
Smies are mostly nothing but a noose and a serious non-smiling face is often much more friendly well-wisher of yours. So, beware of those mystique smiles which are not definable by you then and there. Because, before you would be able to define those similes you would be nowhere.

Once a cruel Chief of dacoits announced that he had fallen in love with a villager belle. He specified that he liked the nose of that girl very much. The other day one of his follower brought the nose of the girl and presented before the Chief.  The follower was rewarded by getting his head in his hand. No need to elaborate that the Chief was livid because he liked the nose of the girl seeing on her lovely face and not in seclusion.Everything looks beautiful only in it’s environs.

 Sometimes we feel that someone is limitless. I mean to say we find him/ her so much supportive of us that seems unfathomable. If you are not going to meet him/her then it is really an astounding stirring idea to keep you thrilled. But if you are ever going to come across him/ her in real life, beware of it. Support is never unlimited and love is never unfathomable except in case of mother and her progeny. All other support and love follow Newton’s Third Law of action-reaction. The crowd of crores tapers out into a single digit number of near relatives even for a most successful guru within two days. Only, because he is now caught under net. 

Everything can’t be explained. If explained that is not an art. The thing which can be explained fully is science. And life is something more than a pure science. Life is more a play of art than of science. Your behaviour is more explained by your feelings than by your pure physiological needs.

[Suggest improvements, write to hemantdas_2001@yahoo.com]

Sunday, 13 October 2013

A Multi-Choice Dilemma

A Multi-Choice Dilemma

I have not yet understood whether the life is objective type question or subjective type. I have faced so many exams and at least on this matter the examiner is always clear. But Life’s role as an examiner is tortuous. You never know what you have to become on career path and which kind of wife you will get, how your child will be appeased and how friends will find you more interesting. You never know.

Whether you should mould the stream of general life in public or whether you have to be moulded by them, whether to opt for give and take or to do nothing. Oh, it looks like a multi-choice question. Nice. If anything is multi-choice, probability of my success shoots up. It’s not because I know how to choose the best answer, it’s because I know how to throw away the bad options and then the last one becomes automatically my answer. But what will you do if no option remains after the throwing away process.

Being subjective is more difficult. pronouncing more accurately, being subjective is faultier. It’s always judgemental. You propound your idea and then go on prove it with your never-perfect tools. The data you gather is never impartially mixed and the sample size is well below the minimum level of 30 and the statistical errors are much more than 5%. Every yardstick you break but even after that you think your judgement is immaculate. 

Being a multi-choicer is easy. But what will you do if all the choices are like candidates of General Elections. You know well that even The Supreme Court took cognizance of it and passed order that there should be an option to not to choose. This instance is itself enough to show the defect of multi-choice ideology. Multi-choice is always much, much more limited than an open sky choice i.e. Subjective Type Question. You can answer in a way you like. You have not only to choose among A, B, C or D.

One topic of debate is invariably popular among at least preparers of MBA entrances and even the Coaching Institutes allow this debate to happen in a formal Group Discussion. Yes, I know debate and GD are different but my statement is a truth. And the topic of the above-mentioned debate is,”Whether a person should go for a love marriage or for an arranged one?” Needless to mention the result of discussion, you have rightly guessed it.  You know well that arranged marriage is like a Subjective-type question and love marriage is like a Multi-choice question with innumerable options. In an arranged marriage, you can only think after it happens and you are required to be judgemental. And of course,  your answer must be positive otherwise you are a bad judge. Whereas in love marriages you always think about options. The options are so much that you often grow old before you settle down and again needless to say why, you settle down being a Subjective-type answerer. Because you can’t be a multi-choicer even after marriage, So, at least on this issue, Subjective-type method wins.

Life of a person is the biggest double-dealer I have found so far. And the problem with the person suffering from life is that he can not play turn-coat every time and again. It starts giving you myriads of choices initially and when you are enjoying your cosy comfort, you find yourself with no option. 
You study day and night for years with an aim to get a good job which you have thought best for you and when you get it you discover that you have to give much more than you receive there. Now you have no choice because you have deliberately made yourself tailor-made for it only. And after some years you can’t fit anywhere else but only here.

 Suppose you enter a restaurant cherishing a sweet will of making a choice between tea and coffee. And yes, there is really an option for that, but once your order process is irrevocably complete, you come to know that there is no provision of sugar-cubes there and the cook is too liberal in mixing sugar. You cover up your face with your palms and say, “Alas, save me from this multi-choice”.
[Please suggest improvement] 
Posted on  https://www.facebook.com/notes/hemant-das/a-multi-choice-dilemma/10151742610573106 on 13.10.2013